Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Frustrated with my Juki sewing machine.. and got some new quilty toys today!

Last night I spent a huge portion of the night not quilting, but working on my Juki sewing machine that I quilt with on my Grace GMQ frame. It had been about six months since I had used the machine. The last time that I quilted with it, everything was fine and I did a beautiful job. Apparently, unknown to myself, when I was quilting that last quilt with the machine some of the threads decided to wrap around the race.
Things started out fine with the quilt that is one the frame. But the further I went the more problems I had. I was shredding and breaking threads. So the first thing I did was to put a new needle in the machine. I still had the problem. The next step was to change out the thread thinking that the thread may either be old or not of good quality because yes, even with good quality thread, there are times when you get a spool that is not so great.
I messed with the tensions, and still I was shredding threads. By the time I had gone through all these steps and I still had issues, not to mention I was tired of ripping out bad stitches and thinking how I was going to repair some other places on the back, I had to take the machine off the frame, carefully mind you, not to encourage the quilt to get off track.
To my amazement it was a simple fix. Once I had the machine off the frame and opened it up I found threads from the last quilt I did wrapped all around the race. It is a wonder the machine was working at all.
The good news is, the machine is working like a dream now, it is all cleaned up, blown out and oiled up and I am ready to tackle the rest of this quilt in peace now.
More good news…. I got a package from UPS today. I am the proud new owner of some new Grace Leader cloths, we will not talk about how I ruined the first set *cough* as well as the proud new owner of the Grace Plastic Pattern Perfect. I can not wait to use the pattern perfect templates. I will let you know how that goes when I get the chance to use them on the next quilt that goes on the frame.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it nice when you can fit it and move on? It makes me crazy constantly taking the sewing machine apart and putting it back together. One thing my sewing machine taught me is that sometimes it likes a rest. How crazy of a thing is that? LOL!
