Thursday, January 8, 2009

My Intro

Hello world! I am a 30 something female in Mississippi who loves to quilt and craft. I had never sewn anything in my life up until a few years ago. All my life I have been crafting in one way or another but it was mostly wood crafts or painting, things like that. In fact in school instead of taking home-ec I took shop for credit. So sewing and cooking were not something I knwew much about until my late 20's. How I come about sewing is a strange story.

It was just before Hurrican Katrina hit in August of 2005, I had fallen asleep on the couch in my family room and I had the most amazing dream. I was sitting with this older Indian woman and we were quilting. She was teaching me how to make beautiful scenes with fabric.

When I awoke I had the desire to sew, I had never sewn anything before in my life. So I went to Hancock Fabrics in Tupelo, Mississippi to purchase a machine. I purchased a cheap machine because I really had no clue as to if I would like to sew or not. So what coul da $100 investment really hurt?

That was the start of what over only a couple of years would end up consuming a nice size spare room and really could consume more if I were not handy at packing things to ensure that more would fit.

In 2006 I discovered machine embroidery, this goes perfect with quilting and also opened more doors to do crafty things because with a machine that embroidered I could decorate with even more variety and on more things. So I got the first of three embroidery machines that I now have, two of which serve as regular sewing machines as well, the other is a six needle one head unit that will only embroider.

I had been doing small quilts on a regular sewing machine for a while and was really tired of wresteling with the bulk of them. I found the Grace Company and fell in love. So I them set my sights on saving up for a quilting frame. In 2008 I become the proud owner of a Grace GMQ Pro and a Juki straight stitch quilting machine.

Now that I had the frame I was really running out of room, even though a frame does not weigh much it sure takes up a lot of space. I only have mine set up to the queen size as instructed in the set up CD, and it still takes up a ton of room, I could only imagine what kind of room I would have to have if I had the extra part in there to make it into a king, but even set at a queeen you can still manage to do a king quilt if you know how to set it up.

My dreams are now set on getting an qutomated quilting machine and a DTG printer to do shirts and quilt blocks from my art work. But those will have to be somewhere down the road as they are very expensive and I do not have the space, so it would require building a shop to play in. So for now I spend my days in my spare room turned makeshift sewing studio and enjoy life.

1 comment:

  1. It all comes together and makes sense now. Good for you! And to think it all came in the form of a dream.
