Saturday, January 10, 2009

Pictures from the past: Mema's Quilt topper

This topper was put together by my husbands Mema. She is in her 80's now and no longer does quilt toppers, but she does still hand embroider pillow cases. This is the first topper she ever made, it was put into the closet and never quilted. When Mema could no longer live alone her house was sold and her things devided between her chidlren and grandchildren. My husband was the lucky reciever of the first topper his grand mother ever made. This topper was hand pieced, I am not sure, but I do not think that she ever owned a sewing machine. We chose a all over stipple to quilt this in and we made a group effort of it. The quilt was pieced by the Grandmother, and quilted and bound by her grandson, great-grandson and her grand daughter in law. Three generations worked on this quilt and we emroidered in each corner the name of the person working on the quilt and the town they reside in. I myself sleep with this quilt almost every night. This quilt is very cherished.

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